22 May 2024

Halstead Swimming Club are incredibly proud of our Senior Captains Danni Rulton and Sam Johnson, coach Lewis Archer, Kai Adams and Ellie Johnson, who are bravely taking on one of the greatest swimming challenges, swimming the English Channel in August; 21 miles from Dover to Calais in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, all in the aid of raising money and awareness of Child Bereavement UK.Â
Our amazing young people, now in their 20s have trained alongside each other for over 15 years, competing with and against each other, both in the pool and open water events, including national championships. Swimming the Channel is totally different from anything that they have done before, requiring a new level of training and dedication from them all, supported and cheered on by our Head Coach John Lowe and Senior Coach Paddy Keeble, but also generously guided by the dedication and care of our ex-head coach Roger Wade, who has jumped into his kayak and put the team through their paces, both in the sea and at our favourite local open water venue Gosfield Lake.
46,000 children between 0-17 are bereaved of a parent each year, that’s 127 children a day experiencing an unimaginable loss! Child Bereavement UK provides essential support services to families at one of the most difficult moments of their lives, at one of the most formative and vulnerable times. They aim to help families rebuild their lives and people's generous donations allow their enormously important work to continue to happen.
If you would like to donate and follow their journey to the sea, please go to https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/halstead-channel-swim-2024